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Free Sources for Starting a Business
There are many sources on the Web that pretend to help you with your business questions. Most just try to sell you something. Here are free resources we like and use:

  • Starting a Business
  • Handy Links to Business Services
  • Legal Questions
  • Tax Issues
Your Way

Owning Your Own business- the Fun way to make money!

Your work is satisfying. You have time with your family, and you are not just the bread winner. You take perfect vacations: relaxing,   exciting, adventuresome,  whatever works for you. Life is too short to live by someone else's rules Life is too short to live by someone else's rules!

 The freedom of being self-employed gives you Independence.

Control of your life and your financial future.

Energy -The feeling of excitement when you get up every morning.

Success - Being on the right path and having real security because you are doing what you were meant to do.


Pay your taxes to the IRS and State Government. It is a shame you  did not own ryou business last year because you would have saved a lot of taxes!

One third of the year has passed - have you started finding the right business?

What are you waiting for?

Many new business owners are leaving the corporate world. Starting a new business does not have to be out of your basement. Typically, even large office buildings have spaces designed for smaller and new businesses. There are also shared  "executive " suites as an alternative to a full-time office.

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Members of our site not only recive our full newsletter service, they have access to our new aricles and issue papers and our complete archive. It's not a lot of money, and is well worth it.
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Web Hosting and design by Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax)